
Fresh is a four-week group experience in service to the new beginning that wants to happen for you now.

Perhaps you’ve been observing in yourself a particular pattern, habit, or behaviour that you can see and feel is no longer serving you and where you want to go next, and are ready to give it its final send-off.

You are ready to close that chapter and start the next.

It might be something you’ve been wanting to move past for a while and can’t quite seem to shake.

It could be a relationship pattern.

An eating or drinking habit.

A habitual inner dialogue.

A tendency to say yes when you mean no.

Or, perhaps there is something you’d like to start - maybe a project, a health goal, or a new way of relating to life and to others - and are hesitating on taking the first step.

It doesn’t matter what the thing itself is, the process is always the same.

Once the desire is felt, all that is needed is to take a single step. Then the next, and the next, as they reveal themselves.

The mind and body just need to feel safe to follow this, which is what we will create together.

Our journey will of course be fluid and will follow the needs of the group, but will involve three key areas:

  • An exploration into the beliefs which are perpetuating the current cycles

  • Movement and release of residual stress patterns in the body

  • Building new neural pathways to step powerfully into your new desired experience

We begin on 30 January 2023.

Join us for this heartfelt and uplifting adventure.

The Experience

  • 4 x Group Coaching Calls

    Weekly Zoom calls including teaching, alignment activities, and individual coaching to help you step into the new desired experience.

  • Online Private Community

    Private Facebook group for questions, reflections and/or feedback over the week.

  • Embodiment Practices

    Movement and meditation practices to align the body-mind, release the old, and open into the new.

Contact Me

If you have any questions or would like to speak with me personally to explore fitability, you are welcome to contact me using the form below.